EQ: What is the most important factor to make a new animal at ease in a shelter?
2.) What is your first answer?
A: My first answer was Vacancy and how sanitation and necessities are important when bringing in a new animal.
3.) What is your second answer?
A: My second answer would most likely be consistency simply because shelter animal have to have a daily routine just like humans do. They have time where they can walk, eat, and take medication (if they are taking any.
4.) List 3 reasons your answer is true with a real world application for each.
- People take medication within a time period, animals have to do that too
- People go do their daily routine like go to work and school, animals take walks
- People eat dinner around a certain time, animals have a certain time of the day to eat too
5.) What printed source best supports your answer?
A: A printed source would be the animalsheltering.org magazine and a book called Exploding Ants: Amazing Facts About How Animals Adapt.
6.) What other source supports your answer?
A: a website (animalsheltering.org) supports my answer because it provides a section that has articles relating to how much an animal should be fed and how the exercise routine is like in a shelter.
7.) Concluding thought.
Animal consistency can range from about medication times, feeding time, exercise and socialization. This can affect an animals though